Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Senator Boswell faces challenge

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Senator Boswell faces challenge

Veteran Queensland Nationals senator RON BOSWELL will face six challengers .. in a
preselection battle today.

The 65-year-old has held his Senate spot since 1983 .. and sections of the party believe
it's now time for him to step aside.

But he wants to stay on .. and has the prime minister's backing.

JOHN HOWARD credits the Senator BOSWELL with ending the fortunes of PAULINE HANSON's One Nation.

The key challenger seeking the vote of the 330-members of the Nationals' central council
meeting in Brisbane is expected to be army officer and former political adviser .. 39-year-old

Other aspirants include Toowoomba transport operator SCOTT BUCHHOLZ .. Maryborough
home finance manager BEVAN COLLINGWOOD .. Brisbane accountant DAVID GOODWIN .. Townsville
administrator MARY MCAULIFFE .. and Gympie consultant EVAN MCDONALD.

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