Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED: New submarines to protect Australia as region heats up

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: New submarines to protect Australia as region heats up

Defence experts say Australia must invest billions of dollars into a new submarine
fleet and air force .. because the Pacific region is becoming more competitive.

Defence minister JOEL FITZGIBBON has ordered the planning of a next generation of submarines
as part of the long-term defence strategy.

He's told News Limited .. there's widespread agreement submarines provide a vital military
capability for Australia.

And defence experts agree and say at least 25 billion dollars should be invested over
the next 20 years to replace the current Collins class submarines .. to be retired in

Professor ROSS BABBAGE .. chairman of the Kokoda Foundation .. says Australia must
prepare for greater regional competition as countries like China .. Indonesia .. and India
grow economically and politically.

NEIL JAMES from the Defence Association also says it's important to plan for the submarines
now so it doesn't cost too much to replace the older fleet in about 15 years time.

Australia's only Adelaide-based submarine manufacturer is touted to build the new submarine
fleet .. which is rumoured to use nuclear energy.

AAP RTV ig/ajc/jec/


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