Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vic: The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, Dec 7 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1: Melbourne's Rialto Towers were the target of a suicide hijack plot by a terror
suspect linked to the September 11 attacks.

Page 2: Victoria could become a national centre for Afghan refugees under Bracks Government
plans to boost immigration; Australia is likely to avoid the recession hitting the rest
of the world, Reserve Bank governor Ian Macfarlane said yesterday; Actress Cate Blanchett
has given birth to a boy.

Page 3: Channel Nine's Sale of the Century faces the axe due to ailing ratings.

World: Yasser Arafat has taken one of the boldest risks of his political life by ordering
the arrest of the Hamas terror group's founder; Sri Lanka's main opposition party appears
headed for victory; Former Sotheby's chairman A Alfred Taubman found guilty of conspiring
to fix prices.

Finance: Australia is likely to avoid going into a recession, according to Reserve
Bank of Australia governor Ian Macfarlane; Italian league champion club Juventus has unveiled
the terms of a share market valuing the club at up to $A886 million; Caltex expects to
finish the year $200 million in the red.

Sport: Strict race rules that have governed South African sport since unification could
have major ramifications for its Test team in Perth; Racing Minister Rob Hulls yesterday
told the Victoria Amateur Turf Club to come on board or forfeit its role in Victoria's
new racing board of governance; Pat Rafter has been judged the sporting inspiration of
the nation.

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